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Infrastructure Development

What is Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development is the development or improvement of basic infrastructure that improves the quality of life for residents.  Roads, clean water supplies, sanitation facilities, agricultural improvements, health clinics, schools, and community housing needs all fall into this category.

Community Infrastructure

Community infrastructure encompasses a wide range of physical assets and services that contribute to the quality of life, economic development, and resilience of a community.  Core infrastructure includes:  

  • Health Clinics and Hospitals: Access to healthcare services is critical for rural communities.

  • Schools and Educational Facilities: Quality education infrastructure ensures learning opportunities for children and adults.

  • Drinking Water Infrastructure: Systems that provide clean and safe water to residents

  • Community meeting areas and housing for game scouts and other community officials

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Roads and Transportation

In rural Africa, roads and access to transportation infrastructure play a critical role in connecting communities, enabling economic activities, and improving overall quality of life. Here are some key aspects of roads and transportation infrastructure in rural areas of Africa:

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  1. Road Networks:

  2. Access to Markets and Services:

  3. Challenges and Gaps:​

Sustainable Agriculture

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Get Involved

Contribute today to the Zambia Wildlife and Community Foundation to help make a difference in the communities we work in, and protect the wellbeing of the wildlife that calls Zambia home.

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