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Community Development

As populations in rural parts of Zambia continue to grow, so does the need for ample support to help raise these communities out of poverty. Proper community development initiatives are a vital aspect to creating a sustainable ecosystem for both people and wildlife. We believe that clean water, a nutritious diet, and the ability to earn a living are all basic human rights that everybody should have access to. Our efforts to promote these basic rights correlate directly with the reduction of pressure on natural resources. ZWCF aims to empower communities, improve living standards, and contribute to the conservation of Zambia's rich natural heritage.

Infrastructure Development


One of the best ways to endear communities to our conservation efforts is to support the communities themselves.  Working with local community leaders, we will identify critical infrastructure in the Luangwa River Valley that is lacking and needs support.  Our funds will be used to construct and support medical clinics, primary schools, water wells, community gathering areas, and critical supplies for these facilities.


A top issue communities in the Luangwa River Valley face is the difficulty of locals traveling to markets, hospitals, and schools and game scouts’ ability to either quickly arrive in areas where significant poaching might be occurring or to cover more ground on daily patrols.  We will assist in providing periodic road maintenance through the purchase and deployment of tractors and road maintainers in areas that need road maintenance. 

Clean Water Initiatives


Around 6 million people in Zambia lack access to safe drinking water, and more than half of the population has no access to proper sanitation facilities. The scarcity of water forces many of the able-bodied members of a community to spend hours each day simply transporting water. With much of the day already consumed by meeting basic needs, there is no time for much else.


We are committed to providing access to safe, clean water. By drilling boreholes and giving more communities access to water, the community members can prioritize learning a trade, growing food, or earning a living.

Our Commitment to Clean Water remains a vital step forward in providing the opportunity for these community members to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Meal-A-Day Feeding Program

In the Luangwa River Valley and other rural parts of Zambia, many children suffer from the effects of malnutrition. The children in these rural communities often walk miles to reach school daily, resulting in low energy levels and negative performance in daily lessons. The mental and physical strain that results from a lack of nutrition is obvious.


ZWCF and our partners work together to fund and feed a nutritious meal to over 2,500 students while they are attending school. This program leads to increased focus and concentration in their daily lessons, ultimately leading to improved academic performance, attendance, and general health.

Enterprise Development

As ZWCF antipoaching initiatives eliminate wildlife poaching, alternative options for income generation need to be developed to help households that rely on poaching make ends meet. ZWCF is committed to offering training and educational seminars to communities. Community members are taught practical lessons to enhanced their business development skills. We work closely with safari outfitters and lodges in the region to center our lessons on skills that can be directly implemented in the hospitality industry. Farming and agriculture techniques are also taught, with an emphasis on sustainable land use. 

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